Project Redlight.
The Project Redlight story began when Toz and Stew bonded over their love of early Hardcore bands such as Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat and Black Flag.
Both parties agreed that the words "punk" and "Hardcore" had been hijacked by the music industry to categorise any bands that did not fit within the narrow confines of commercially viable, disposable acts. Worse yet, punk was being used as a marketing tool to sell records by manufactured teen angst merchants or any band that has a kooky female lead singer or pretty boys with spikey, coloured hair.
Instead of lamenting the watering down the music they loved and grew up with, Toz and Stew started writing Project Redlight songs in August 2013. Along the way they tried out several bass players and drummers before hitting pay dirt and finding the perfect co-conspirators in drummer Josh and Bassist Dave with-in the space of 2 weeks.
Both Josh and Dave share the same ideals as Toz and Stew in regards to music and their outlook on life in general.
Everything was now in place. Dave and Josh picked up the existing songs in a very short space of time and contributed their own ideas and songs to the mix.
In the last week of June 2014, Project Redlight began recording their debut album.
Keep checking in here or "like" our facebook page to keep up with release dates and up coming shows.